Free Report! Everything you need to know before considering Conservatory Roof Insulation!
Conservatory Insulation, Conservatory Roof Insulation Installation in particular is becoming more and more popular and with good reason. Almost every uninsulated Conservatory is unusable, the reason being its either too hot or too cold to relax in and enjoy. This is because in the summer, when the sun beams down on the glass or poly carbonate roof of your conservatory the radiant energy is actually amplified by up to 60%! The result is that the inside of your conservatory becomes far too hot to sit in for an extended period of time.
Summer passes and the weather gets colder, which is great meaning you can enjoy your conservatory because it will not be too hot anymore right?
In actual fact the opposite happens, because your current uninsulated conservatory roof is such a good conductor of heat energy and so inefficient all the precious heat you have generated from your heating source which has cost you valuable money gets transferred very quickly through your roof material and into the atmosphere. No matter how long you have your heating on its never warm enough to sit and relax and enjoy. The result of this is that your Conservatory is the least used room in winter as well as summer! in turn meaning most of the year you cannot use and enjoy your conservatory like you always wanted to deeming it completely unusable.
Sound familiar?
Just think of all the uses for a comfortable, perfectly climatized conservatory, maybe you like to watch birds in your garden? Watch your children/grandchildren play on your garden? Maybe you work from home, your conservatory could be the perfect place for all these and more.
So, what can you do to make your conservatory… better?
Now the good news!
There are various options when it comes to improving the performance of your conservatory. You could insulate your roof yourself with a PIR rigid board insulation or multifoil insulation. From our experience and expertise there are not many pro’s to choosing the PIR rigid board insulation over a multifoil option however there are many benefits and advantages of using a high performing Multifoil insulation because: –
- PIR is harder to cut than multifoil
- MultiFoil is more cost effective than PIR
- Using PIR means there is no air gap and air flow meaning more chance of condensation
- Multifoil is much thinner than PIR whilst providing better performance which saves space
- Using PIR makes it harder to achieve an airtight seal compared to Multifoil
- There is significantly less wastage when using Multifoil compared to PIR
We have a great how to video on how to install conservatory roof insulation HERE
Once the insulation is fitted you can choose your finished surface to install. There are 2 main popular options, Plasterboard finish can look nice, however the plaster can crack as you can get un preventable movement and will need painting every few years or so. With UPVC or Timber Cladding, you do not have this problem and can be installed by a good D.I.Yer where plastering is a skilled trade. UPVC is also is zero maintenance. You can learn how to install multifoil insulation to your conservatory roof using online videos, you can find our how-to video HERE. You can find all the insulation materials at the lowest trade prices to carry out the installation here – HERE
The problem carrying out the installation yourself is that if not done correctly, you can cause more harm than good, that’s where the second option comes in, have your conservatory roof professionally insulated by a company that has insulated over 25,000 conservatories across the UK using an exclusive system that you will not find anywhere else.
Introducing ConservaHeat, a UK manufactured, high performing, true aluminium, multi layered blanket designed specifically to solve this problem, to keep your Conservatory at an optimal temperature all year round meaning you can enjoy your conservatory to its full potential the way it was originally intended for.
Conservaheat provides the perfect solution for keeping your conservatory cooler in the summer and warmer in winter by reflecting upto 98% of energy away from and back into your conservatory. As a result of this you can enjoy your conservatory and save on costly energy bills and make your conservatory part of your home again. Conservaheat also has a built-in vapour control layer which greatly reduces the chance of condensation which can be a big problem in a lot of conservatories. The system also provides a significant reduction in outside rain and traffic noise which is especially noticeable when enjoying tv or working in the room.
There we have given you 2 options to improve the performance of your conservatory however, the ConservaHeat system is only available for professional installation as it is exclusive to us. If you have enough DIY skills you could carry out the installation yourself but then run the risk of doing the job incorrectly meaning you would then have to have a professional company put the issues right. It’s worth mentioning that installation of ConservaHeat comes with an insurance backed guarantee ensuring the job is done perfectly every time.
The purpose of this post is to provide information on how to improve your conservatory performance and what you can do to make your conservatory enjoyable again however, we can provide massive value as well!
If you book a free, no obligation quote either a home visit or virtual appointment through your chosen video chat app, a 25% discount will be applied to the price of your quotation! Even better you can opt to pay nothing for the first 12 months!
You can book your quote appointment HERE
I really hope you have gained value from this post and enough information to make a decision on the best way to make your conservatory a usable part of your home.
If you have any questions regarding this or anything regarding insulation solutions please get in contact with us at